The Journal Star Recommends The Earthwise Snow Blower in 2021
Chris Kaergard and Katie Gaston Journal Star To buy a snow blower or not to buy a snow blower? That's always the question when the state of Illinois is getting covered with snow in the winter. Right about now, you probably wish you had bought a snow blower from Menard's or some other place — especially if you have to shovel snow in single-digit weather, or even sub-zero temperatures. You have a lot of options if you've finally decided to buy a snow blower. Earthwise snow thrower Sick of shoveling snow but gas-powered lawn tools aren’t your thing? There are plenty of electric options on the market to get the job done. After a particularly bad storm in 2019, I bought the Earthwise Electric Corded 13.5 amp snow thrower from Amazon. It’s now listed for $150 (although it was about $30 cheaper when I purchased). The machine arrived boxed up on my doorstep and...
Feb 17, 2021
The Earthwise SN74022 is solely designed to provide homeowners with the perfect solution to go through thick layers of snow in a matter of hours. Ever since I had laid my hands on this beast, it has been a part of my company’s arsenal to fight the lawn damaging effects of harsh winters. With a powerful motor and a reliable auger design, the Earthwise SN74022 is one of the most popular snow clearing tools in the market today. And in my review today, I will be going over what makes this amazing snow blower/thrower such an invaluable machine for lawn care. Earthwise Cordless Snow Thrower Review 2020: So what makes the SN74022 so very special? Better power and control The Earthwise SN74022 comes with a brushless 40-volt motor along with a 4 Ah battery, which significantly improves the overall performance of the tool. It allows the thrower to be capable of easily...
Dec 16, 2020